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The Wider Path
Experts in behavior science share advice, insight, and ways to apply the science for anyone to use.
The Wider Path
Life, Wellness, & Science
Working Science
Jeanne Ambrose
8 min read
The Dungeon Master's Guide
Tips on using behavior science to improve player experience and make you a legendary Dungeon Master. It's time for some Dungeons & Dragons!
Rob Scalise
9 min read
Who’s a Good Dog? 8 Dog Training Tips You Need To Know
Knowing where to start with dog training can be daunting. You both need to learn how to communicate with each other.
Rob Scalise
9 min read
The 6th Sense: Intuition and Science
Ever had the feeling you knew what was coming but couldn’t explain how? We often say this is our intuition. Here is a behavior experts take.
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